
Tag: Sarah Palin (page 15)

Palin's Real Soul Mate: George W. Bush

Here's a comparison of Gov. Sarah Palin and President George W. Bush, demonstrating their similarities.

In Gov. Palin, the GOP has its new Bush, same as the old Bush, but more polished, more presentable, more user-friendly than the original ever was -- and, they hope, still fresh and unencumbered enough to run as a "maverick" against the legacy of Dubya 1.0's failures.

The examples on the second page of the article are striking:

If there's a common cause for Bush and Palin's less-than-complex worldview -- one that should disturb the security minded of both parties -- it's their profound disinterest in understanding or even experiencing other countries and cultures.

The mastermind behind both: Karl Rove. [more...]

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Alasks Daily News Editorial: Palin Should Stop Stonewalling on TrooperGate

The Alaska Daily News takes Gov. Sarah Palin to task for stonewalling the TrooperGate investigation.

The paper outlines details of the investigation into allegations of Palin's, her family and staff's misuse of office and says:

She should be practicing the open and transparent, ethical and accountable government she promised when running for governor and boasts about now that she's on the national stage.

The paper reminds her that she once said she welcomed an investigation and said "Hold me accountable" but instead of complying with the independent investigation launched by the legislature, is trying to move it to an agency within the executive branch which she controls.


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Friday Night Fights: Lies

You don't win elections with one hand tied behind your back. The Democrats need to come out swinging against Sarah Palin, the unqualified, radical right choice of John McCain to occupy the nation's second most powerful leadership position. The fact that she's under investigation for abuse of power alone should be enough to disqualify her. Tell her to come back after she's been cleared and has shown she brings something other than tokenism to the job.

The Democratic strategists and pundits who think Obama should ignore Palin and stick to debating the issues are the best example of why the Democrats lost the last two elections.

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Jewish Group Launches Online Campaign Against McCain/Palin

The National Jewish Democratic Council has begun an online campaign to oppose Sen. John McCain's choice of Gov. Sarah Palin as his running mate:

Senator John McCain made a poor choice in his first critical presidential decision with his vice presidential selection of Governor Sarah Palin. We, in the Jewish community, have to question McCain’s judgment for choosing a right-wing religious conservative with absolutely no foreign policy experience and a brewing scandal which is being investigated by the Alaska state legislature.

It is ironic that McCain, who turned 72 last week, has said, “The fundamental principle behind any selection of a running mate would be whether that person is fully prepared to take over.” And then McCain selected Palin???


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Palin Didn't Sell Alaska Plane on EBay

Sarah Palin touted her business savvy in her acceptance speech. As an example, she said she put a jet purchased by her predecessor on EBay, leaving the impression she sold it through EBay.

The plane failed to sell on EBay. It was purchased by a private entrepreneur for $300k less than the broker's price.

And, turns out, the plane was used to transport prisoners, not just for the Governor's travels.

Update: Sen. John McCain perpetuated the misleading story today, falsely saying she sold the jet on EBay for a profit. There actually was a half-million dollar loss. [More...]

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Ceding Control of the Courts to the Radical Right

Today I remembered this blogger conference call with Sen. Charles Schumer in 2005 over President Bush's judicial nominees.

Sen. Schumer was emphatic in his remarks to us. He said the hard right, both economic and religious, has decided that the only way to push their agenda through is to control the courts. If they win and gain control of the courts, both economically and socially, they will roll back America to the 1930's or the 1890's.

He said that the hard right made a deal with George Bush during the election. It would support him and "not hound him", but he had to cede control of his judicial nominations to the Federalist Society.

That's the reward (in addition to enthusiastically supporting his election) I would bet the radical right is offering John McCain. When you see reports of his campaign coffers growing due to Gov. Palin, the picture comes into closer focus. [More...]

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TrooperGate Report Will Be Released 3 Weeks Early

And it's unlikely to be favorable to Gov. Sarah Palin.

ABC News has exclusively learned that Alaska Senator Hollis French will announce today that he is moving up the release date of his investigation into whether Gov. Sarah Palin abused her office to get the Alaska public safety commissioner, Walt Monegan, fired. The results of the investigation were originally scheduled for release Oct. 31 but will now come almost three weeks earlier, according to sources.


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Overnight Open Thread: This Is Our Country

Now that the Republican Convention has ended, it's time for the rest of us to remember This is Our Country, and John McCain, Sarah Palin, James Dobson and the radical right can't have it.

I took this video in Des Moines at a campaign event for John Edwards. I chose it because he has the audience -- all Democrats -- sign along with him on the refrain, "This is Our Country."

We need to remember this in the next 60 days. The country that George Bush and the Republicans stole in 2000 and kept in 2004 belongs to us. Eight long and miserable years later, it's up to us to take it back. [More...]

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Gloria Steinem: Palin is The Wrong Woman

I hope most Democratic women realize the truth in Gloria Steinem's column today in the Los Angeles Times. Hillary Clinton certainly does, and so do I.

The reason Gov. Sarah Palin is the wrong woman for the job of Vice-President has nothing to do with her gender or her family issues or private life (although I wish she would stop bringing them up and showcasing them.)

She's the wrong woman for the job because of her stand on issues and her attachment to the radical right. Unfair treatment by the media doesn't make her any more qualified or right for the job of Vice-President. Here's some snippets from Ms. Steinem:

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Late Night: The Road to Nowhere

Harry Reid responds to Sarah Palin's speech in which she said Reid can't stand John McCain:

Jim Manley, spokesman for Senator Reid: "Anyone who knows Senator Reid knows he never backs down when he's fighting for what's right and that he always stands up to John McCain when he is wrong. Shrill and sarcastic political attacks may fire up the Republican base, but they don't change the fact that a McCain-Palin administration would mean four more years of failed Bush-Cheney policies."


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Obama's Response to Palin's Speech

Senator Obama issued this response to Gov. Palin's speech:

The speech that Governor Palin gave was well delivered, but it was written by George Bush's speechwriter and sounds exactly like the same divisive, partisan attacks we've heard from George Bush for the last eight years. If Governor Palin and John McCain want to define 'change' as voting with George Bush 90% of the time, that's their choice, but we don't think the American people are ready to take a 10% chance on change."

Obama took a few hits tonight from Rudy Giuliani and Mike Huckabee on his experience. I think unless he confronts that argument head-on, the attacks will increase and begin to resonate. He can't do it by relying on Biden, unless it's in the context of combined ticket experience.


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Move Over John Edwards, The Enquirer Goes After Palin

Wow, that didn't take long. The Washington Post reports the National Enquirer is alleging Gov. Sarah Palin had an extra-marital affair with a friend of her husbands. The McCain camp blasts the report.

But for John Edwards' affair turning out to be true, who would even give the National Enquirer a second thought?

Howard Kurtz writes:

The mainstream media might well have ignored the unsubstantiated allegation, as they did for eight months in the Edwards saga. But the McCain's team quick response in defending the Arizona senator's running mate had the effect, intentionally or otherwise, of giving the story more prominence.

Also read the part about how Levi didn't want McCain naming him publically as the father of her daughter's child.[More...]

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